08 Jul 2016

The New Injectable Filler Juvederm Voluma XC

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Everyone wants to look good at any age. So if the years are starting to show and the thought of going around with tired, wrinkly, and old-looking skin doesn’t sit well with you, then it’s time to start looking around for options.

At medical spas like the Rejeuviné Medspa, you can opt for the latest fillers available in the industry such as the Voluma . Voluma isn’t just another one in the roster of injectable fillers available in the market, though. FDA-approved, it’s one of the latest and better skincare technologies to hit the market in the last few years.

What is it

It’s an injectable filler that restores the lost volume along the middle portion of your face, specifically where the apple of your cheeks should be. Voluma offers you a way to give specific areas of your face greater definition.

What happens

When people age, the fat pads in the skin start to go. The tendons and ligaments stretch and thin out, leaving your skin looking sunken and hollow. At this point, skin sagging won’t be far behind. However, with Voluma, you can now achieve better looking cheeks with a simple procedure.

How it works

Voluma is injected deeper into the skin and as close to the top of your facial bones as possible. Injecting it into the upper cheek, chin or even the middle portion of your cheek is the best way to get excellent results since these injection sites offer the filler proper support.

How long it lasts

This is the best part of the treatment. The average length is about 12 months. If conditions are great, though, then you can even expect it to last for as long as 24 months or a full two years.

So if you’re looking for the treatment to make your face supple and elastic again, ask about about the Voluma filler.
